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Myanee • 1 year ago

Without Filler. Boruto is a totally Masterpiece when it comes to storytelling.
- Choreography Fights
- Suspense
- Plot Twist
- Character Development
- Intensity
I never doubt that Boruto Series will fail from the start that taking over story from Naruto. They take some elements from Naruto Shippuden and Kishimoto improve it.

Diksis • 1 year ago

True indeed, almost everything who comes from Boruto manga cannon is great. Unfortunately there are anime cannon.

Just the guy here • 1 year ago

You can say those anime canon are the happy memories of boruto that we are watching. But now i just want them to animate manga canon from the new season

Suraj Vinod • 1 year ago

There have been 2-3 anime canon arc which were good, like the new gen seven swordsman of the mist, the urashiki time travel arc and the sea clan arc. The Mu arc too which developed more on the previous tsuchikage and lead to his death.

Gohan • 1 year ago

true anime canon bullshit

Typecero • 1 year ago

They take some elements from Naruto Shippuden and Kishimoto improve it.

Nah Fam.

Boruto Anime will be going on Hiatus from April 2023.

Episode 293 will be the last episode that will air.

Your show is having to go on hiatus because you're getting filler, on top of filler, on top of filler.

A good anime doesn't need to go on hiatus because it has a plan. It also doesn't need over 70% of what it covers to be filler.

Naruto is not 70% filler. Shippuden is not 70% Filler.

Shadow • 1 year ago

Lots of SEASONAL animes go on breaks. Boruto might be having a change in release schedule. It might be seasonal when it comes back.

The Shippuden War Arc was awful. It was butchered by constant filler that didn't have an end in sight. It caught up to the manga and they ruined there pacing and flow. I'd rather have huge amounts of filler BETWEEN ARCS than have it DURING arcs.

Using Shippuden as a way to dunk on boruto is silly. The war arc itself makes the argument dishonest. Saying the War arc was good is dishonest.

AvatarSaiiyan • 1 year ago

Don't forget all the filler after the first Naruto vs Sasuke in the valley of the end when they were kids. That made me go from anime to manga.

Ricky Styles Jr. • 1 year ago

You trippin fam

Yo mama • 1 year ago

nah the war arc was good wtf r u talking abt lmfao, arguably the best arc in naruto in terms of peaks and writing as well, not even mentioning the fights

Shadow • 1 year ago

You go back and watch that arc.You go ahead and tell yourself that 2-4 episodes of the war, then broken with 10-15 filler episodes, a couple more war episodes, then MORE filler for a month or 2.

I started the manga for that reason. The Hashirama backstory, the kaguya backstory, the dream fillers.

Yall hate boruto, yet you praise the war arc when it broke the scaling, introduced the aliens, ruined the theme of the story. Naruto and Sasuke ALL OF A SUDDEN ARE GODS BECAUSE THEY DIED? So much for hard work and training eh? Its all about how you were born.

Rose tinted glasses doesn't make the pacing of the war arc good. It just makes you blind to the MASSIVE plotholes and problems.

Yo mama • 1 year ago

first of all i dont hate boruto i actively defend it so stfu.
second of all u can skip the fillers, no one is forcing u to watch them and some of them are good too. third of all the scaling was not broken, it was kept consistent throughout the war arc and when the scaling did increase it was explained thoroughly.
fourth of all naruto and sasuke were not gods that is overexagerrating to make the situation seem worse, it was litrally stated that if they didnt train as much as they did and got as strong as they did thy wouldnt be able to get the power, and the power was returned to its original owner after u moron. Hard work still mattered even in shippuden. there were also no plotholes in the war arc lol, looks like ur the one wearing rose tinted glasses

Nate • 1 year ago

Nah, it was far from the best arc. That shit was terrible. From the terrible plot twists, to the terrible random ass power ups that made 0 sense and broke the theme of the entire story, to the terrible coincidences that made everyone survive, and the terrible fillers they kept popping up.

Ricky Styles Jr. • 1 year ago

Right!!! Dude buggin

Darko Lazic • 1 year ago

in a sense of fillers in naruto/shippuden and boruto just have in mind that 4th ninja war lasted 2days irl..... and we had like 60ish eps of it.....

kappa123 • 6 months ago

Bullshit comment. The war arc was pretty good and it lasted more than anything else. It's true though that it had some long 4-5 week filler episodes in between peak moments and it made it kinda boring to watch however those fillers gave an essence to the Naruto anime in general and made it differ from most of the animes out there. Maybe they could have scheduled the fillers for more optimal dates but in general you cant say that the arc wasnt good

kappa123 • 1 year ago

Bs comment fr. There isnt such a thing as ''plan''. It's pure mathematics. One manga chapter per month CANT keep up with 4 episodes per month. So either they have to reduce the episodes they are making or simply fill those episodes with ''fillers'' otherwise the episodes will soon or later outpace the manga itself which is nonsense. You probably forgot that Naruto had tons of fillers as well even in between huge fights it used to go on a 3-4 filler ep streak which was annoying af at that time. The only difference was that Naruto had quality fillers which added up to the main story and character development. Boruto's fillers till now are kinda meh. Also there are tons of good anime which are seasonal as well. Going on a hiatus isnt that bad. It just sucks a bit cause we were waiting for almost a year to get to this point but if this has to happen in order to see way more quality episodes with less fillers then im all in

Suraj Vinod • 1 year ago

Isn't this episode supposed to be the last. The problem is unlike Naruto and shippuden which is a weekly manga this one is a monthly manga. So they don't have enough manga material to begin with. A continuous weekly anime wouldn't work instead a seasonal anime style like MHA JJK or Chainsaw Man would be better.

But know that the anime will be filling in on the details,the manga purposefully gives 2-3 weeks gap between a major fight and the start of the next arc which is mostly used for anime canon.

ashcrimson23 • 1 year ago

Nigga There are 91 filler episodes (41% of fillers in a total of 220 episodes) in naruto series.
And in shippuden 199 are fillers 40% which is still a lot to watch but you are just another brain dead boruto hater.

OfficialDrixMalone • 1 year ago

I wonder how they actually approved you using the n-word but can't use any other derogatory word for other races lol.

Yo mama • 1 year ago

r u unable to read or something? the guy said apart from filler

Naandakurai • 1 year ago

Your wrongboruto will get 1 or maybe 2 episodes based on how things are going in the manga, yes it will go on a hiatus after that

Gunslinger Stratos • 1 year ago


Yo mama • 1 year ago


Steeltoe • 1 year ago

Boruto is without a doubt the worst shonen to ever be released.

They continued a story that was already being destroyed without a plan or real schedule, naruto should've ended on pain being killed without all the god bullshitery but now we're in the world where nothing makes sense anymore and no character has any purpose whatsoever.

It is a masterpiece at being horrendous at everything it does, storytelling, animation, pacing and its own world nullification.

Yo mama • 1 year ago

what a horrible troll. at least do some research if ur gonna try and troll this bad cus u just look like an idiot lmfao

Cataclysmic • 1 year ago

lol this dude does research on anime.

Deathwish • 1 year ago


Steeltoe • 1 year ago

To add to that, what are they even going to continue it with? Theres no source material whatsoever, they only have manga chapters for few episodes and next chapter is most likely going to end manga for a while too, no matter how anyone looks at Boruto it's a failure from the start to finish because they got greedy.

It shouldn't even start by today with how slow and unprepared they were about the project.

Ralf Niko M. Parohinog • 1 year ago

If you really hate the show that much then it made me wonder why you took a few minutes of your precious time to comment on this video? Why are you here in the first place?

Steeltoe • 1 year ago

You learn way more from bad things than you learn from good things, and boruto is most certainly a very bad thing for japanese anime/manga industry.

Rokz • 1 year ago

Well I can't say that the boruto is great but it was decent I don't know why they compare it with the naruto series and hate this so much.

Steeltoe • 1 year ago

I'm not really trying to compare it to naruto i'm just pointing out that the downfall started before boruto even began and started showing really bad habbits/plot holes and practices during the series with animation quality/amount of fillers and so on.

Boruto suffers from kishimoto unprecedented powerlevel spike after fight with pain that made the world turn into god against god arena.

All of these comments don't necessary shit on the boruto itself but the entire thing going back to naruto, kishimotos story getting out of hand and producers being greedy starting the project way too early.

Let's be honest when Ikemoto left working on boruto it should've been cancelled by then instead of going for hundreds of filler episodes hoping it somehow gonna get better.

Gol D. Roger • 1 year ago

Keep crying

Steeltoe • 1 year ago


Aka Inu • 1 year ago

A lot of clowns out here who don't have any argument, just spitting out rudeness. I find your comments quite insightful. I don't really know the behind the scenes of anime, but the Shippuden war arc is a pain (pun intended) for me. And then Boruto came out. I understood why they messed Shippuden like that in the end. To get more money. That's why I rejected Boruto at first. But it was still popular, so I told myself, it can't be so bad if so many people watch it. I started watching it. It was too slow for me, and I dropped. So, I can't really criticize Boruto, since I don't know much about it, but for me, as you said, it was already broken from the base. (how they poorly ended Shippuden and introduced Aliens to mimic Dragon Ball Z success, where Aliens also were introduced. However, Dragon Ball is more about comedy and fight, not story so that wasn't much of a problem. Naruto is a lot about the story)

Mat • 9 months ago

wow this troll really needs to go back to its cave

Ralf Niko M. Parohinog • 1 year ago

Watching a show should be fun and entertaining. Watching a show just to find something to rant about is not fun, it's torture. You're just making yourself more miserable. I would just stop watching if I were you but oh well, maybe some people just find joy in misery.

Steeltoe • 1 year ago

I understand finding fun in watching this but the fact that you think my criticism is symptom of misery is textbook projecting, look into the mirror that's the misery you're looking for.

It's also interesting how anyone but SINGLE person (Aka Inu) has only half-assed comments to add and nothing else to started conversation, it's "miserable" seeing how you and apparently the majority of the people don't have even an ounce of basic ability to communicate with others and discuss basic topics, the lack of education and manners is truly astonishing, it's like everyone is a NEET living in a basement.

Mat • 9 months ago

go back to your cave troll

Ralf Niko M. Parohinog • 1 year ago

Oh really?! Someone being so toxic thinking his criticizing shit yet all you do is rant. You're not providing anything of substance or any suggestions to the author, animator, studios showing that you care about improving the show at all. Niente. All you do is complain about are so trivial and superficial that it just left me dumbfounded to realize that some shallow minded hypocrite people like you do really exist. Go on and back read everything you said. Also, you perfectly describe yourself in the last part of your reply.

Steeltoe • 1 year ago

I think you have some serious issues if you think i provided nothing that could help the series. Lack of basic reading comprehension is a sign that my previous comment about education was in fact correct.

Mat • 9 months ago

and the cave troll is back

Ralf Niko M. Parohinog • 1 year ago

Where and when did you suggested anything that needs to be improved in the story, show or animation? Paste it below so I can read it.

Steeltoe • 1 year ago

Or you can read 4th comment from my profile (again?) i made under this episode instead and tell me how isn't that pointing multiple things that could made the series a lot better.

Mat • 9 months ago

just leave and go back to your cave troll

Ralf Niko M. Parohinog • 1 year ago

You mean this?

"I'm not really trying to compare it to naruto i'm just pointing out that the downfall started before boruto even began and started showing really bad habbits/plot holes and practices during the series with animation quality/amount of fillers and so on.

Boruto suffers from kishimoto unprecedented powerlevel spike after fight with pain that made the world turn into god against god arena.

All of these comments don't necessary shit on the boruto itself but the entire thing going back to naruto, kishimotos story getting out of hand and producers being greedy starting the project way too early.

Let's be honest when Ikemoto left working on boruto it should've been cancelled by then instead of going for hundreds of filler episodes hoping it somehow gonna get better."

Where in this paragraph did you suggested changes to the story or how they should animate certain scenes in the anime to make it better? There's none! All you did was complain and point out the things you didn't like or what you think was wrong in the story.

Steeltoe • 1 year ago

"unprecedented powerlevel spike after fight with pain that made the world turn into god against god arena.

producers being greedy starting the project way too early.

Let's be honest when Ikemoto left working on boruto it should've been cancelled by then

what are they even going to continue it with? Theres no source material whatsoever, they only have manga chapters for few episodes"

I just pointed out it was already bad in naruto after pain arc ended and it transfered towards boruto for obvious reasons, is that not pointing out where did it go wrong and what was wrong with it?

I said like 2/3 years ago on this site on some of the episodes from then that this exact situation with fillers will happen when ikemoto left working on the project, if a random individual like me could see what are they doing is going to lead them towards flying out of popularity charts and the anime is going to go lowest budget possible to save whatever little pride they still have what's their excuse? There's none because they're greedy.

My entire point with this series since the beginning was that they started way too early and rushed the explanation of otsutsuki god-eating gods which makes no fucking sense and defies everything previously stated.

As i also mentioned above, boruto shouldnt have started with the way they produce manga by years into the production but it was already ongoing for a while running on fumes, this series did not have decent budget episode outside of movie cuts and kurama death.

Mat • 9 months ago

i love this the troll is still out of its cave looking for more memes or should i say easy prey

Ralf Niko M. Parohinog • 1 year ago

Replying on this thread is kinda difficult. The site is marking my response as spam for some reason. So here let me paste my reply again.

Like I said in my previous comment, you only pointed out the things you didn't like or what you think in your opinion was wrong with the story and anime. You didn't make suggestions on how the story should've gone or what the animators should've done to make the animation better.
Okay, let me deal with all your arguments one by one.

"unprecedented power level spike after fight with pain that made the world turn into god against god arena."
- You're saying there's unprecedented power spike? Power level in Naruto was already well established to become mountain busting and even country busting level ever since the first episode. This is what's wrong with you and the rest of the fandom, you ignore the fact that the very first thing introduce in the story was a f*****g giant ninetails whom the narrator states is capable of leveling mountains and creating tsunamis with just a swipe of one of its tails!

Deniers like you would say that ninetails was only a symbol of natural disaster like what? Symbol of natural disaster?! That is a real character entity sealed within naruto! If people watching the series were just smart enough, they should've guessed how the power level of Naruto and other characters that'll be introduce later on will match or even exceed that of the ninetails and that naruto will have to face it and gain its power in the future. People were to dumb to think about that and now they're complaining "UnPreCedEnTEd PoWeR sPike AfTer fiGhT WiTh pAiN" .

We’ve already seen multiple times how powerful some characters were way back in og naruto based on the destructive capabilities of their jutsus and people seem to have forgotten all of it. Take that water release: great waterfall jutsu for example, https://naruto-fandom.fando... which Zabuza was planning to use against Kakashi and the crew. That was a powerful jutsu capable of destroying a large portion of forest as shown in the manga and anime. How about Lee using third and fifth gate on his fight with Gaara?, Orochimaru vs Third Hokage which introduced us to another level of power never shown in the series before. Second Hokage creating a body of water and First hokage creating mini forest on top of that roof. Kaiju battle between Naruto and Gaara. That Shukaku air bullet thing was capable of changing the landscape or even levelling mountains, another Kaiju battle between the three lgendary sannin, fights during sasuke retrieval arc, etc.

There's so many things shown in og naruto that gave us the hint of how powerful the characters can be but it seems to have just flew past everyone's head. They didn't pay attention or they just simply ignore those facts or may be too dense to notice those hints.

"producers being greedy starting the project way too early. Let's be honest when Ikemoto left working on boruto it should've been cancelled by then"
- We don't have access to all the information the producers have that they got from the authors so just because they started it way to early doesn't mean they don't know what they're doing or where they're heading. Authors could've given the producers sketches, storyboards or finished summary of the entire Boruto story in advance so I don't understand why you're having problem starting the animation earlier. Ok. you hate it so you want it to end. But how about me and the others who still like and follow the story? The authors and the fans are not obliged to adjust for your sake. It's you who will have to adjust so If you don't like the show, then just stop watching! It's that simple.